So we had an adventure today, went to Hollywood and applied as possible contestants of 1 vs 100. It was interesting, and will give some fun stories to tell in Missouri! They had a representative come to the LA County fair looking for 'cowboys' (not QUITE sure why they thought the fair would be the place to find such things....but...) so there was a group of us they'd asked to audition. I would guess it's not EVERY day that they get to audition pirates, a medicine man, heritage skills teachers (they make delicious ice cream and butter at the fair), and pig racers in the same group! For me the fun thing was just to get to be there in the Sunset/Gower St Studio, especially since we were in Building 22 (my favorite number :) ) I don't think anything will come of it, but it was still a neat experience. Except for the traffic. We're not fond of LA Traffic!
Now on to 'real' life - here are some pictures I took last night...Goat kids make me smile! This little guy's mom was being so tolerant about being a kid jungle gym...

Another thing that makes me smile is the fact that I get to work with all kinds of neat livestock at the LA County Fair. I shall have to post a few pictures soon of my little LaMancha Goat bottle baby buddy, and the two calves that I get to help feed on Mondays and Tuesdays when the fair is closed to the public.
Even our critters are making new friends - Quarter got to say 'hello' the the Budweiser Clydesdales! I have the feeling that if he was turned out with them to exercise, he'd think he was hot stuff...and might get told differently!

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